July is almost half over and the summer festival season for music lovers is now in full swing. Here's a fast rundown:
- The Lincoln Center Festival and Mostly Mozart will get you out of the house and into the air-conditioned spaces of Lincoln Center. There's also some really great music in this annual summer tradition, but more on that in the weeks to follow.
Lincoln Center's official site
- The New York Grand Opera comes to Central Park. The company has left SummerStage and moved back down to the band shell on the west side of the Park near 72nd Street. They'll be doing La Traviata on the 18th and a performance of Tosca in early August.
New York Grand Opera

- Down by the banks of the East River, BargeMusic gives you the chance to listen to the great classics right on the edge of Cosmo Kramer's old swimmin' hole. All their concerts take place on an old coffee barge moored by the foot of the Brooklyn Bridge.
- The Norfolk Chamber Music Festival is put on by Yale University in Norfolk, Connecticut. This year features the 30th aniversary of the Tokyo String Quartet.
Norfolk Chamber Music Festival
While you're in Connecticut, check out Music Mountain in Falls River, another excellent festival focusing on chamber music.
Music Mountain
- The cool shady trees of Tanglewood beckon you to Lenox, Massachusetts for this annual festival put on by the Boston Symphony Orchestra. Whether listening to symphonies in the Koussevitzky Music Shed or chamber works in the Ozawa Music Hall, Tanglewood is an idyllic experience.
Photo: Musicians performing outside BargeMusic. © 2007 BargeMusic